A lot has happened since the last time I blogged...some good, some bad. I'm not sure I really want to get into everything, but suffice it to say that I registered with TICA, have a website for my cattery, am working on kittens, took in some relatives who needed a little boost to get where they need to be, my tumor markers are skyrocketing again (from just under 100 to over 1000 in less than a month), the VA made a decision on my claim but I haven't seen it yet (I strongly suspect they denied it again), and in general, I've been running myself ragged.
But...I got a pool. Its a much-needed stress-reliever, even though we couldn't really afford the extra utilities its going to run up with our current living situation, but dangit, some things you just have to find a way to afford. So we're all pretty much on a diet and sweating to death during the day because I turn the a/c off for the most part to save a little more money. The pool...it is a necessity. Trust me on this. Added bonus: I can exercise in the pool without hurting my knees, back, or abdomen...win/win/win!
I'll try to keep blogging and stay more current. Truth is, I've been so depressed all summer, I didn't want to blog, because it seemed every time I sat down to do so, I was whining.
Now I'm off to shower, feed/water cats, scoop litter boxes (not the Cat Genie, it scoops itself...woot!), run some errands with my cousin and her daughter, and hopefully relax in said pool by lunch time.
Happy Almost-Weekend!